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February 8, 2007

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The Tale of Teddy Ruxpin 2.0

But in the meantime, while we thought about what sort of things the Home Server might do, I came up with the (again, patented, but the patent dropped) idea of an internet-connected teddy bear that contacts a web site to tell stories. People would tell stories to the web site, and in return for these stories, they would be paid per listener. Bear purchasers would pay a monthly subscription fee. The child would get access to every single story ever told via the breadth of the lazyweb, and the parents could configure the bear to tell only certain kinds of stories (e.g. nonviolent, child age 4-6, Jewish, with a moral message, etc. Stories would be reviewed and tagged.)
Excerpted from one of my favorite MetaTalk posts of all time. (Waxtastic.)
Posted February 8, 2007 at 5:43 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Society/Culture, Technosnark
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