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March 2, 2004

| Just Think of the Children! >>

Move Over, Atkins

From The Onion:

New Nietzschean Diet Lets You Eat Whatever You Fear Most

Fat Is Dead, proclaims the ambitious title of the dense, aphoristic nutrition plan, which was written by Friedrich Nietzsche in the late 1880s and unearthed three years ago. After reaching bestseller lists in Europe, the book was translated into English by R. J. Hollingdale and published by Avon last month.

“One must strive to eat dangerously as one comes into the Will to Power Oneself Thin,” Nietzsche wrote. “What do you fear? By this are you truly Fattened. You must embrace your Fears, as well as your Fat, and learn to Laugh as you consume them, along with Generous Portions of Simple Salad. Remember, as you stare into the lettuce, the lettuce stares also into you.”

Me, I’m on the Hegelian Diet, a dialectic between seven-layer nacho dip and Baked Lays.

(Thanks to Tim for the link!)

Posted March 2, 2004 at 10:53 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Gleeful Miscellany
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