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November 29, 2007

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Dollywood, Dollygood

Admittedly, I was primed for this new Dolly Parton song and video by a recent Economist piece (!?) about the deep American-ness of Dollywood, her theme park in the Smoky Mountains. But, whatever: It’s great. You can definitely hear the pop-industrial complex at work in that multi-tracked chorus… but it’s still sort of Dolly-simple and Dolly-good.

Posted November 29, 2007 at 10:04 | Comments (3) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Music


I heard an interviewer ask Dolly how she'd managed to deal with all the tragedies in her life.

Her answer, in effect: "I just have a good cry and then think "Oh, hell, I'll just make it rhyme and make some money with it."

I just love that Amy Sedaris stars in the video!

TOTALLY! That is not a mash-up I saw coming.

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