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June 16, 2009

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What Is The Revolution?

i29_19360635.jpgA backer of Mir Hossein Mousavi helps evacuate an injured riot-police officer during riots in Tehran on June 13, 2009. (OLIVIER LABAN-MATTEI/AFP/Getty Images)

Gavin at Wordwright, responding to this photo, via The Big Picture:

This is beyond words. A demonstrator is protecting a man sent to attack him. There are photos of the wounded and dead, but there are more pictures like this as well.

When you no longer need to kill your enemy, then the revolution becomes possible.

Posted June 16, 2009 at 4:27 | Comments (2) | Permasnark
File under: Journalism, Snarkpolitik, Worldsnark


This image is truly beyond words, don't get me wrong. On the student's side, it is a measure of true patriotism and citizenship. Really lovely. My take home message from the policeman's side of this picture, however, was that the hardliners don't own the whole regime, and certainly not the police. When I see the same image with the Baslij military--or outside of Tehran--Iran's new revolution will really be here.

In the same series, I was amazed at these women rushing to the defense of their comrade by armed policeman. That upraised hand! So powerful!

ABC has a report that the army special forces are now protecting the Mousavi supporters from the Basij militia.

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