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August 10, 2007

| The World Heavyweight Champion... of Politics >>

They Should Probably Just Call it Coruscant

Masdar, the zero-carbon, zero-waste city planned in Abu Dhabi, looks like something out of science fiction. Because it is. A 3.5-mile-wide walled city in the Middle East? Hello? Totally the setting for Blade Runner 2. (Via Buzzfeed.)

Posted August 10, 2007 at 10:33 | Comments (1) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Society/Culture


Woot, I got one more person reading BuzzFeed!

(I never would have guessed how hard this thing is to write. Actually, worse than that, it's the reading that's even harder -- now, I'm looking for trends in everything, making connections where they probably don't belong, trying to piece together memes. I think this is the definition of psychosis.)

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