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March 1, 2005

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Cool Hunting


I think it would be fantastic fun to be a “cool hunter,” a la the protagonist in William Gibson’s book “Pattern Recognition” or Josh Rubin, who is real, and who has a blog called, um, Cool Hunting.

That’s where I spotted the image above; it’s by NYC-based illustrator Elliott Golden, whose portfolio is absolutely jam-packed with fresh-looking art. It’s kinda retro but kinda not, and the colors all have this amazing washed-out fuzz to them.

Another artist after the break.


I’m not sure if Chicago-based Chuck Anderson actually took the photo above, or just added the digital treatment — I’m leaning towards the latter — but either way, it’s cool. And he’s 19 years old. That is wild.

Posted March 1, 2005 at 9:23 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Recommended
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