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March 8, 2006

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Hack Netflix

Somehow, the Assimilated Negro has come up with a worthy follow-up to the Blink Don’t Wink™ campaign: the Netflix Neighborhood Challenge. His theory is that different neighborhoods get completely different tiers of Netflix service. If you’ve had Netflix delivered from different addresses, you’ve experienced the disparity in service; some places it’s lightning-quick, others it’s just speedy. Quoth the Negro:

So now I’m thinking there’s probably some “neighborhood priority system” going on behind the scenes at the ‘flix. And I’m planning to break the case. I’m going to be bringing my netflix returns around with me to the various neighborhoods I visit in Manhattan and Brooklyn. And we’ll see who gets the shaft, and who gets [insert smart funny line that plays off the ‘who gets the shaft’ setup here].

Do we have any other case studies on this matter? Have you noticed any difference in Netflix return speed based on your neighborhood, or um, level of education/body odor?

I think we should blow this up nationwide, and give it a Google Maps mashup.

Posted March 8, 2006 at 5:32 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Gleeful Miscellany, Movies
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