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May 4, 2004

| Get Up Out Ya' Chair >>

Gore TV, For Real

Why am I so obsessed with Al Gore’s cable TV channel, which is finally a reality?

I think it’s because of stuff like this — and the hope that it’s not just, well, quotes for press releases:

“We are launching an exciting television network for young men and women who want to know more about their world and who enjoy real-life stories created with, by and for their own generation,” said Gore who, as Chairman of the Board, will devote the lion’s share of his time to the venture. “We want to empower this dynamic generation with a network dedicated to them that has integrity and a commitment to excellence. This will not be a political network,” Gore emphasized, adding, “These stories will be in a voice that young people recognize and from a point of view they identify as their own.”
Posted May 4, 2004 at 4:50 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Gore TV
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