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November 26, 2003

| The Dean/Clark Question >>


tpoe.jpgHoward Hallis has drawn a picture of everything.

Examining just one piece of the 14-foot-long mural, we find: Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger next to Tia and Tamara “Sister, Sister” Mowry next to Tyra Banks; Stan Lee next to R. Crumb next to Blastoise (Pokemon #9); and “My Grandfather, Harry Hallis” next to “Benji” next to (my favorite) “No idea who this is,” an anonymous blonde.

This is like one of those crazy conglomerations of naked people organized by Spencer Tunick. Except… there are robots… and… actually, never mind, it’s not like one of those at all.

(Hilarious! The villains are all in hell! I could scroll through this thing for days.)

Posted November 26, 2003 at 1:42 | Comments (3) | Permasnark
File under: Gleeful Miscellany


In Kurt Vonnegut's "Bluebeard" the hero is a major figure in the abstract impressionist art movement, whose passion has always been incredibly precise, realistic drawings. The mural of everything is reminiscent of the final scene of the book, although perhaps stranger and less emotionally potent.

But the book doesn't actually show the drawings, does it? Vonnegut just describes them? How does he communicate their scale and intricacy? (I guess I could just go check out "Bluebeard"...)

Posted by: Robin on December 1, 2003 at 01:26 AM

My first reaction to this was something sort of a snarky snigger. Of course, it isn't really a picture of everything. I think it could more aptly have been called a picture of nothing. Then again, it is a picture of something -- a glimpse -no, a stare - at the insanity and meaningless of pop culture. What better way to demonstrate it's complete ubiquity than putting it all in one's field of view simultaneously. This is where I think the interesting part of the work lies, (it's not particularly artful) is the surpising frequency of neuronal firing indicating recognition. It is truly amazing how much crap we have stored in our brain just by living in mono-pop cultural society.

In the end, I think it's just kinda fun/funny.

Posted by: Aaron on December 4, 2003 at 04:01 PM
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