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November 26, 2008

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Flat, Fast Turkey

We did Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, because we went shopping on Monday and couldn’t wait. (It also worked out better with our work schedules.) We opted to try Mark Bittman’s 45-minute roast turkey, with the following results:

  • Bittman’s technique works better with a smaller turkey, say 10-12 pounds. We bought a 15-pounder for maximum leftovers, which made the turkey harder to flatten out.
  • The turkey also needs to be completely defrosted, the closer to room temperature the better. Strong backbone + ice crystals + foolish decision to use a bread knife (which is good for carving) instead of a chef’s knife (which has enough heft to crack a joint) = tough sailing.
  • Those caveats aside, it works! it makes for very good roast turkey in less than an hour. Again, smaller bird = faster cooking time.
In fact, it’s good and fast enough to make roast turkey doable anytime of year — even two days before Thanksgiving. Soak that turkey in salt water + herbs a day beforehand for optimal flavor. (Alternatively, buy kosher.)
Posted November 26, 2008 at 5:54 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Gastrosnark
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