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March 5, 2009

| The Dow Knows All >>

Cologne, Drezden, Grozny

The incomparable Eileen Joy, on rebuilding modern ruins:

Some time yesterday afternoon, the six-story Cologne Archives, housing documents dating as far back as the tenth century, as well as the private papers of writers such as Karl Marx, Hegel, and Heinrich Böll, and also all of the minutes taken at Cologne town council meetings since 1376, collapsed as if hit by a missile, only there was no missile, but rather, some sort of structural flaw that caused the building to start cracking and tumbling down. Most visitors, plus some construction workers on the roof, were able to get out in time, although two or three persons may be buried underneath the rubble. Ironically, the Archives contained many documents that had been recuperated from library buildings destroyed by Allied bombing during the Second World War, and a small nuclear bomb-proof room that had been constructed in the basement to house the most rare materials was, at the time of the building’s collapse, only being used to store cleaning materials.
Posted March 5, 2009 at 12:58 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Cities, Object Culture
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