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May 24, 2005

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The World is Complicated

Edward Jay Epstein has been doing these cool inside-the-movie-biz features on Here’s the latest, about how insurance companies reign supreme in Hollywood. Super interesting — and demystifying.

Posted May 24, 2005 at 5:23 | Comments (1) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted


When I was still at MSU, Gavin and I met a guy at Cafe Latte who worked as a stuntman on some big studio films. The thin was, the guy was about 5'8" and was built like Steve Buscemi. Most of the stunts he wound up doing, he told us, were things like riding a bicycle or running down a hill: anything *less* stressful (or more camera-intensive) was done by a stand-in. If the *stand-in* fell down or twisted an ankle, they would lose days of shooting and tens of thousands of dollars: hence the ersatz stunt man.

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