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August 11, 2009

| New Magnanimous Arts >>

The Bouncer and the Concierge

Here’s an analogy to tuck away. Richard Nash talks about filters and finished up with an interesting image:

RN: […] It is very complicated for an unknown writer to reach an audience of readers given the vast numbers of unknown writers out there. How do people find out about it? So I believe in the role of intermediaries. People always look to trusted friends who might be more expert or knowledgeable in a given area for advice about things […] The question is, who are going to be those people. The model is going to shift from kind of a gatekeeper model to an advisor/service model. Or let’s say from a bouncer model to a concierge model.

For some reason that just really struck me: from bouncer to concierge. From being in the business of saying (mostly) “no” to being in the business of saying (mostly) “hmm, how can we get that done?”

Feels very Kickstarter, doesn’t it?

Posted August 11, 2009 at 2:04 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted
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