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September 12, 2005

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Site Discovery of the Day

I just ran across a video game criticism site I have never seen or heard of before — The New Gamer. Featured on the home page is an essay from June titled discusses God of War: Guilt and Penance in Ancient Greece.


I know it seems too good to be true, but check it out:

While a sense of compassion may not have been what David Jaffe had intended when he created God of War, I’d be lying if I said I felt nothing as I dragged that solider down the hallway to his doom. Despite that, I continued playing — all the way to the end, never outraged or disappointed in myself enough to cease playing, but then again I had also just solved a ‘puzzle’, I could revel in the glory that this sacrifice allowed me to dive deeper into the game, and get one more step closer to redemption. But is there redemption for the gamer in a pre-rendered ending?

So yes, it took me about twelve microseconds to add this site’s feed to Bloglines.

Posted September 12, 2005 at 6:23 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Video Games
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