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August 2, 2005

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Newspapers and Programmers

Two posts of great interest today:

Top memo right now: The NYT is officially merging its print and online newsrooms.

On E-Media Tidbits: Adrian Holovaty is the new editor of editorial innovations (!!!) at the WaPo.

Rad x 2.

Posted August 2, 2005 at 3:43 | Comments (2) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted, Journalism


Wannabes! The NYT's merely following the example laid out by The Fresno Bee, whose imminent merging of its print and online newsrooms has sent shock waves through the industry.

I hope the WaPo gives Adrian lots and lots of room to play. He can totally give them the jump on that whole dynamically-assembled stories thing. And the stories will be mapped. And linked to All-Music Guide. That will be sweeeeet.

Seriously -- Adrian is basically going to make EPIC. Like, tomorrow.

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