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May 8, 2008

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'I Have No Designs on Your Camry or Your Hamster'

Slate still has some of the best writing on the internet. Loved this piece on vegetarianism by Taylor Clark:

Vegetarians give up meat for a variety of ethical, environmental, and health reasons that are secondary to this essay’s goal of increasing brotherly understanding, so I’ll mostly set them aside. Suffice it to say that one day, I suddenly realized that I could never look a cow in the eyes, press a knocking gun to her temple, and pull the trigger without feeling I’d done something cruel and unnecessary. (Sure, if it’s kill the cow or starve, then say your prayers, my bovine friend — but for now, it’s not quite a mortal struggle to subsist on the other five food groups.) I am well-aware that even telling you this makes me seem like the kind of person who wants to break into your house and liberate your pet hamster — that is, like a PETA activist. Most vegetarians, though, would tell you that they appreciate the intentions of groups like PETA but not the obnoxious tactics. It’s like this: We’re all rooting for the same team, but they’re the ones in face paint, bellowing obscenities at the umpire and flipping over every car with a Yankees bumper sticker. I have no designs on your Camry or your hamster.
Posted May 8, 2008 at 11:31 | Comments (0) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted
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