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July 3, 2008

| Head for the Black Diamond >>

Heartfelt Product Endorsement

I love Jott.

Sign up for a free account, give it your email address, and you can call an 800-number anytime, talk into the phone, and have your words instantly converted to text and emailed back to you.

(You can have it sent other places as well, of course — texted to phone numbers, emailed to other addresses, even posted to Twitter or whatever — but I use it exclusively for notes-to-self.)

I know, I know, this feels like the kind of thing that sounds great in theory but is somehow fatally flawed in practice. In fact it’s great in practice, too — Jott’s voice-recognition software is uncanny.

Highly recommended. Will make you feel like you’re living a couple of years in the future.

Posted July 3, 2008 at 12:01 | Comments (5) | Permasnark
File under: Briefly Noted


I've wanted to get a voice recorder and a speech-to-text program for my computer for a while, will try this out instead- thanks!

Posted by: pon on July 3, 2008 at 01:08 PM

As someone who usually tries these things out once and then abandons them, I can say that for some reason this one is a keeper. You won't be sorry you tried it...

I totally love how well Jott plays with Remember The Milk. Adding things to my online todo list when I'm away from a computer is so convenient!

All smart phones (and most dumb ones) should have a speech-to-text engine on board. Every celly could become a dictation machine. iPhone 3.0, anyone?

Jott is one step ahead of me; they've got a frontend to their servicefor the iPhone already.

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