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July 12, 2008

| Bat-Theory 101 >>

Snarkmatrix Alignment

I am in Minneapolis, in Matt’s apartment. We are listening to Bon Iver. And talking about you.

Photographic evidence of Snarkfestival 2008 to follow.

Posted July 12, 2008 at 12:27 | Comments (9) | Permasnark
File under: About Snarkmarket, Briefly Noted


Ah ha. I thought I felt a shift in The Force.


"I agree that in-person is totally, TOTALLY ideal.
And the more casual, the better. But so much of the expense and overhead of [Snarkfest] is travel. If you don't require
that people come to you -- if you can reach out to anyone, anywhere -- suddenly sooo much more is possible. So how do you make that optimal?"

Talking about me? Really? I require proof.

Now, *that* is a terrific picture. Who knew snark could be so cool?

So that's where all the Snarkmoney is going.

This weekend is already legend.

Curse you magnificent bastards.

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